Tuesday 5 October 2010

Disneyland the father of the Post-Modern City

July 1955 saw the birth of Disneyland California, and thus the birth of the tourist industry. Walt Disney created this artificial world, which generated the Post-Modern City. This hyper-reality, or simulation of the real, blurs the line which divides what is real and what is fake. Disneyland is a hyper-reality because it is an exaggerated idea of the real world.

The Post-Modern City 'draws on the tendencies of consumer culture which favour the aestheticization of life'. This simulation of the real is emphasised by Disneyland's political influence, for example, having its' own city council and police force, and the fact that Walt Disney himself has almost complete control over the property.

Disneyland is a prime example of globalisation and Americanisation, which has ultimately influenced the outside world. It is suggested that the impact of Disney, has caused the rest of the world to become standardized and trivial, perhaps even sentimental and simple.

So whilst Disneyland forms the basis of the Post-Modern City, it is ultimately just a PR campaign for America.

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