Friday 8 October 2010

Lectures 1 -3

So far, the students have posted four 150 word reviews of weeks 1- 3(Amy de Castella, May Slingsby, Angela Warsnip and Grace Maclean). The topics posted have been: British Cultural Studies, Disney and the Post-Modern City and Structuralism and Film.

We have discussed the coherence between these topics. Week 1 traced how Brtish society has become increasing consumerist since the 1950s. Week 2 looked at the extent to which British cultural space, the cityscape, if you like, has been transformed by the hyppereal. In week three we discussed the semiotic codes which are the constituent parts of a film or visual text.

If any of the terminology is diificult from this lecture (week 3), I suggest you read the relevant chapter in John Storey.

Finally, if any students are having difficulty in posting, ask Damian O'Byrne in Room E122 to help.

Next week, Bend it like Beckham!So you already need to be thinking about issues such as gender, third space, British identity, Asian identity and hybrid identities. In the case of this film, 'Brasian identity.

See you next week,


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